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Panhandle Red News

Posts tagged: custom hand bags

Unparalleled Craftsmanship by Panhandle Red Company Idaho USA

At this Idaho shopping destination, quality customization, and American cowboy values come together in a standout leather and silver jewelry shop. The allure of artfully crafted handbags and jewelry is on full display at the Panhandle Red Silo Shop and Farm Venue in Post Falls, Idaho. 100% of the manufacturing is done on site just across the driveway from the...

Panhandle Red Brand is American Made and Built for Function

What is more American than an American Cowboy or Cowgirl? Why are they wearing "Made in China?" Mostly because only 2% of clothing is Made in America. Ouch! Time to look at Handmade in the USA. Panhandle Red Goods are Made in Idaho, USA. Secondly, they are built to fit your needs, for example, pockets are all measured for smart...

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