So, you want to step out, maybe start a new business, create something, go somewhere? You just keep putting it off because you don't feel you have all the resources you think you need or, you think it might be better to wait ?
Let me tell you, as a perfectionist, I would have never started or stepped out if I was waiting for the development the perfect product, had the best pictures, or perfect website. When I finally let go and pushed aside what others might think if I didn't have everything just so, I was able to focus on my mission, which was really to help others. The products became secondary to the development of relationships with people. When people become your priority, success will follow. When you care about others so much it really doesn't matter if everything is perfect. There will be people who follow your business from the literal ground level, to the top if you establish solid relationships. The relationships you develop will drive your customers to want to grow with you. The beauty in this characteristic, is that it will eliminate anybody who is not in it for you or not in the people business. Your business will flourish when you truly care about others and the majority will gravitate to that goodness. SO GO FOR IT! There is more power in the good and putting one foot in front of the other and starting right where you are. The failure is waiting or not starting at all.
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