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Panhandle Red News

Posts tagged: idaho

Smart Consumers Focus on Design, Quality Materials, and Craft.

Great ingredients count, but how you put them together is craft. If you're in the mood for a fresh quality dinner and you have a farm-to-table restaurant in your city like we do in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, or you yourself can prepare delicious options, it might be one of your favorite options! What is the criteria of something that moves...

Panhandle Red Brand is American Made and Built for Function

What is more American than an American Cowboy or Cowgirl? Why are they wearing "Made in China?" Mostly because only 2% of clothing is Made in America. Ouch! Time to look at Handmade in the USA. Panhandle Red Goods are Made in Idaho, USA. Secondly, they are built to fit your needs, for example, pockets are all measured for smart...

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